School Uniform

Other than children in our Nursery, pupils attending Commonswood Primary & Nursery School are expected to wear school uniform; however, most children in Nursery classes wear uniform because of its practicality. Governors have deliberately chosen uniform that is readily available online via Essential School Wear and from local high street stores at reasonable prices. Governors feel that uniform is important because it promotes a sense of belonging to our school and pride in the individual and collective achievements of pupils. It also provides children with sensible clothing in which to participate in educational activities. In addition, it frees parents from the pressures to dress children in fashionable, expensive clothing and footwear.

Our school uniform comprises:

Please ensure all items are clearly named.


Physical Education Clothing (PE)

All pupils are expected to participate in PE / Games lessons. Children need to dress safely for PE. They should wear:

Pupils in years 3, 4 and 5 require a one-piece swimming costume for swimming lessons.

A bag for PE and games kit should be provided, and drawstring bags can be purchased from Essential School Wear (online). Please ensure all clothing and bags are named.

A navy-blue tracksuit may also be useful during the colder, winter months when some PE / games lessons take place outside. Children should not wear replica kits or expensive branded clothing.

Please ensure all items are clearly named.



Food technology is a vital part of the school curriculum. Cooking aprons are available to purchase from Essential School Wear. These will fit from Reception up to Year 6. (Aprons are not a compulsory purchase however, they are designed to fit a children from Reception to Year 6).


Book bags

Children are asked to carry their reading book to school each day. The reading book needs to be protected from the weather. Book bags are available from Essential School Wear (online). Please avoid large backpacks which take up too much space in the cloakroom area and make hanging coats up tricky for children.



Jewellery, including earrings, bracelets, rings and necklaces, may not be worn to school as it can cause nasty injuries in PE lessons and in the playground. If your child has pierced ears, children may wear plain studs which must be removed for PE. Please note that the School will not take responsibility for any loss. Make-up, nail varnish and hair dye are not appropriate for primary school pupils and may not be worn.


Second hand uniform is available – please contact the school office for details

Please contact the office if you require support in providing school uniform for pupils attending Commonswood.

School Uniform Policy